My name is Brian Wright and I am a professional clinical counselor, licensed in Ohio (E.0900156). I also am licensed in chemical dependency counseling in Ohio (#LICDC.071021). I graduated from the University of Cincinnati with my Master of Arts in Mental Health Counseling and my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. I have 14 years experience in counseling. I have lived in the greater Cincinnati area all of my life. I know a lot of professionals in the area and am comfortable offering referrals for health services outside of my scope.
The Trail of Life
As you can probably tell from the website design and creed, I enjoy exploring and running trails in the woods. Sometimes I get lost on these trails but with some patience and perseverance, I have found my way out. Sometimes I see the trail exit ahead in the distance, but I have to focus on the roots and rocks immediately in front of me. Sometimes I come upon a crossroad in the trail and I try to take a different turn than last time to experience something new.
Wouldn't you say trails can be a lot like life?
Wouldn't you say trails can be a lot like life?